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Policy Comparison’s – Mulder

Current Kemper Policy

Dwelling : $296,700
Other Structures : $29,700
Personal Property : $207,700
Loss of Use: $59,300
Personal Liability : $500,000
Medical Payments: $5,000
Other coverages:
Water backup coverage/sump failure - $10,000
Specified additional amount of insurance - 25%
Deductible: $1000
Other Structures : $29,700
Personal Property : $207,700
Loss of Use: $59,300
Personal Liability : $500,000
Medical Payments: $5,000
Other coverages:
Water backup coverage/sump failure - $10,000
Specified additional amount of insurance - 25%
Deductible: $1000
$ Not provided

Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage:
Not provided
Uninsured/Under-insured Motorist Bodily Injury:
Not provided
Comprehensive coverage - Not provided
Collision Coverage - Not provided
Not provided
Uninsured/Under-insured Motorist Bodily Injury:
Not provided
Comprehensive coverage - Not provided
Collision Coverage - Not provided
$ - N/A
Total Combined Premium
Not provided

New Mutual of Wausau Policy

Dwelling : $355,000
Other Structures : $35,500
Personal Property : $266,250
Loss of Use: $355,000
Personal Liability : $1,000,000
Medical Payments: $5,000
Other coverages:
Water backup/sump pump failure - $10,000
Specified additional amount of insurance - 25%
Buried utility lines coverage
Equipment breakdown
Deductible: $1000
Other Structures : $35,500
Personal Property : $266,250
Loss of Use: $355,000
Personal Liability : $1,000,000
Medical Payments: $5,000
Other coverages:
Water backup/sump pump failure - $10,000
Specified additional amount of insurance - 25%
Buried utility lines coverage
Equipment breakdown
Deductible: $1000

Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage:
Not provided
Uninsured/Under-insured Motorist Bodily Injury:
Not provided
Comprehensive coverage - Not provided
Collision Coverage - Not provided
Not provided
Uninsured/Under-insured Motorist Bodily Injury:
Not provided
Comprehensive coverage - Not provided
Collision Coverage - Not provided
$ - N/A
Total Combined Premium
Unknown Premiums On Current Policies Not Provided