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A Basic Road Safety Refresher for Wisconsin Drivers

You may strive to be a safe and responsible driver, but you can’t control how other drivers behave, so it’s a wise idea to financially protect your vehicle with auto insurance. It’s easy to become complacent about common safety issues, so regularly go through a basic road safety checklist.

Get to Know your Agent: Al Breitenfeldt

Our very own agent Al Breitenfeldt is finishing up his last few weeks as President of the Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) of Wisconsin.  All of us here at Community Insurance are very proud of Al and his accomplishments not only in his last year as President, but in all his years as an agent as well.

Getting Fresh at the Farmers Market

Nothing beats fresh produce and other foods, and there's no better place to pick up fresh food than straight from the farmers' hands.  Luckily there are plenty of farmers markets throughout Central Wisconsin where you can find a wide range of fresh goods!

Avoiding Car Key Theft

The usually high level of security in modern cars generally makes them difficult to steal, so car thieves are becoming more innovative in their car theft techniques. Unfortunately a car thief breaking into a home in Wisconsin with the sole purpose of stealing the keys to your car is becoming commonplace. The good news is there are ways to lower the risk of this happening to you, and a subsequent claim being made against your auto insurance.
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