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Do I need renters insurance

Do I need renters insurance? If you are asking the question chances are you do. Renters insurance is a Wisconsin Homeowners Insurance policy that will cover the personal property of a renter for damage such as fire, theft, and wind. With…

Have you given it much thought?? Is your ATV/4-wheeler properly insured?????

Have you given it much thought?? Is your ATV/4-wheeler properly insured?????

When it comes to ATVs, there are two types of coverages. If you limit ATV rides to your own property, your homeowner policy may cover the vehicle so separate coverage would not be needed. On the other hand, if you ride your ATV anywhere else like public trails, or even just crossing the street, you will need ATV insurance.

Wisconsin Bonds

Bonds are not insurance. If you need Wisconsin Bonds, contact Community Insurance today!

Wind storm hits Stevens Point

A few weeks ago our area was hit with one of the worst wind storms it has seen in years. These storms produced very high winds which resulted in hundreds of healthy trees going down. After a devastating storm like…

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