Cut Back on Unnecessary Costs

Who likes spending more money than they need to?  Cutting unnecessary costs can put extra cash in your pocket for things you actually want to spend money on, or gives you the opportunity to save up for unexpected expenses.  So what are some of these unexpected costs?  We’ve compiled a list of a few that you may not have thought about.

  • Cable TV.  There are so many ways to watch television without actually having to pay for cable or satellite.  No, we’re not talking about stealing it from your neighbor, but we are talking about watching TV online.  Hulu and Netflix are two Web sites to find television shows, and many broadcast companies upload television episodes to their Web sites.
  • Cleaning supplies.  You may be an individual who stores a multitude of cleaning supplies in your closet, but how often do you use most of them?  Investing in a good multi-use cleaner and using natural products such as baking soda and vinegar can save you money on cleaning supplies.  There are many helpful Web sites and blogs that can help you learn how to use cheap, natural products to clean.
  • Insurance policies.  Now there is no way we are saying that you should get ride of your insurance policies to save money.  However, you could be paying more than you need to with a generic policy.  Luckily for you, our agents are here to help you create a customized Wisconsin insurance policy—and we can tailor it to fit within your budget!
  • Electricity.  Do you leave lights on all the time, even when you are not in the room?  Turning off unused lights, unplugging cell phone and laptop chargers, and purchasing energy efficient appliances can help you cut back your electric bill.
  • Renting or purchasing movies.  You may think you are getting a deal when it only costs a dollar or two per night to rent a movie, but you could probably rent the same movie for free from a library.  Once again, Netflix is also a great resource to cheaply view your favorite shows and movies.

We’ve only skimmed the surface on ways to cut costs, and we would love to hear any ways that you save money!  Post on our Facebook wall or tweet us @Community_Ins to tell us how you save cash.


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