Money-Saving Secrets for the Summer

Happy first day of summer!  Today officially marks the beginning of summer despite the fact we have been experiencing summer-like temperatures for a few weeks now.  Summer is a time of year when expenses can stack up easily with vacations, get-togethers, and other outdoor events.  One cost that can get very pricey is cooling your house on those hot Wisconsin summer days.  There are ways to save money while cooling your home, several of which are listed below.

  1. Set your thermostat for a few degrees warmer when you are not home, but don’t turn it completely off either.  Cooling a house back down to a comfortable temperature can actually cost more than keeping it relatively cool while you are away.  Try setting your thermostat at 80 degrees when you are gone, then turning it back down when you return.
  2. Manage the moisture levels in your house.  Wisconsinites know all too well that humid weather makes the heat all the more unbearable.  Moisture in the air can make your house feel warmer, so invest in a dehumidifier, run your bathroom fan for 20 minutes after showing, and move your indoor plants outside to manage the moisture levels in your home.
  3. Try keeping your house cool without using your air conditioner.  Block out as much sunlight as possible and place fans in windows at night to draw in cool air.  You can also place bowls of ice or frozen milk jugs in front of fans to cool your home.  Try not to use many electronics or appliances (especially your oven) as these produce heat.

Another way you can cut back costs this summer is by going over your Wisconsin insurance policies with your Wisconsin insurance agent.  There may be new discounts you qualify for or a different company may offer you better rates.  Contact your agent to find out more.

How do you save money during the summer?  Do you use any special methods to keep your house cool without using your air conditioning? 


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