Quality Vehicle Maintenance: Fewer Wisconsin Auto Insurance Claims

A poorly maintained car may lead to an accident and increase the risk of a claim being made against your Wisconsin auto insurance policy. One of the simplest ways to help avoid this is to make a point of ensuring your vehicle is well maintained and safe. Here are some tips:

•Brakes are one of most crucial safety components of a car because they are the first safeguard against a collision. The pads and rotors should always be kept in excellent condition. 
•Typically, tire failure can almost always be blamed on lack of proper tire care. Tire pressure gauges are inexpensive and easy to use. Tire pressure should be checked at least once a month. Make a point of checking the tread of each tire for wear and tear at the same time. 
•Checking your car’s fluid levels is critical to help maintain your car’s system in full working order, especially for the engine’s performance and longevity. This task should also be done at least once a month. 

All it can take to better maintain your car and help improve its level of safety are a few straightforward regular checks. A well maintained safe vehicle may be cheaper to operate in the long term and is generally at a reduced risk of having an accident. Regular maintenance may also have the added benefit of helping to lower the likelihood of an accident and a subsequent claim being made on your Wisconsin auto insurance policy.


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