Why is Flood Insurance Important?

Did you know that your Wisconsin homeowners insurance policy does not cover losses due to floods?  Only a Wisconsin flood insurance policy can protect you from flood damage, which is why these policies are good to consider.


Despite the very dry weather we’ve experienced this summer, flood insurance is a good option when living in Wisconsin.  Although the winter snows are long gone, floods and flood damage are always a danger.  According to FEMA, in terms of economic disruption, property damage, and loss of life, floods are nature’s number-one disaster.

Although the federal government does sometimes provide assistance for flood damage, an area needs to be officially declared a federal disaster in order for the government to provide that assistance.  In addition, some federal assistance is given in the form of loans which must be repaid with interest.

If you are interested in flood insurance, contact your Wisconsin insurance agency to set up a policy before it is too late.  Flood insurance takes 30 days to go into effect, so the best time to get a Wisconsin flood insurance policy is now!


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